Don't Stress About Managing Your YouTube Channel, We'll Take Care Of It For You
We can give you video topic ideas that relate to your channel or you can come up with them on your own. Once you know what your video is going to be about you record the video.
Now you will upload the video to YouTube without making it public. We have a step-by-step video that will show you exactly what to do. If you do not already have a YouTube channel, we will create one for you. Once the video is uploaded, we will begin editing the video. We will also create the thumbnail, tags and description.
Once we have finished editing your video and making sure the YouTube settings for the video are taken care of, we will schedule the video to be published at the date & time you requested.
YouTube Management Package
Up to 10 Videos per month (up to 30 minutes each)
2-3 business day delivery (We only work on business days)
We post to YouTube for you
We can provide video topic ideas (If you choose)
Tags and general description for your videos
Thumbnails for your videos
Basically, you record the videos and we do everything else
We do NOT edit:
Music Videos
Feature Length Films
Adult Videos
Videos related to Alcohol, Drugs, Violence